Hi there!
Thanks for checking out my work.
I’m Matthew Stock (he/him). I'm a crossword constructor currently living in Gainesville, Florida, where I am pursuing a master's in school counseling at the University of Florida. When I’m not working on puzzles or school, I’m likely spending time outside (gardening, birding, playing ultimate frisbee), cooking, playing board games or annoying my cat.
I first started solving crosswords in 2017 as a junior in college. A year later, I attended my first puzzle tournament, where some very kind and talented folks inspired me to try constructing myself. It's completely captured my imagination since then.
Nowadays, most of the puzzles that I make appear in various print and online venues — you can find a complete list of my published work here. I also make custom puzzles for weddings, birthdays, businesses, or anything else folks have in mind. If you're interested in custom work, click here!
Lastly, I love working with other constructors (novice or veteran!), especially those from underrepresented groups in the Puzzleverse. You can find my compilation of constructing resources here. If there's something I've missed (or if you just want to connect), please reach out and let me know :)
Happy puzzling!